Sunday, November 17, 2013

First Ladies of the White House (Ideals Children's Book)

About the book:  Learn about the life and impact of each First Lady, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama. A portrait or photograph of each First Lady is provided along with a one-page summary of her life and tenure as the hostess of the White House. 88 pages, softcover.
Review:  This book was engaging from the start. I was able to learn many new facts about the First Ladies. It was interesting to read how many of the First Ladies were a tremendous asset to their husband's Presidency. It was wonderful to read how some of the First Ladies loved being able to entertain and thrived off the attention given to them. Other First Ladies missed their lives from before becoming a First Lady. I would recommend this book to children in 4th grade and up. I would also recommend it to adults. (rev. S.Wall)

DISCLOSURE: A complimentary copy was provided by Ideals in exchange for our honest review. Opinions expressed are solely those of the reviewer. No compensation was received for this review.

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