Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life with Lily (Book One) The Adventures of Lily Lapp by Mary Ann Kinsinger & Suzanne Woods Fisher

ISBN:  978-0-8007-2132-9
Life with Lily by Mary Ann Kinsinger and Suzanne woods Fisher is the first to be released in a series called "The Adventures of Lily Lapp."  The story is told through the eyes of Lily, a five-year old Amish child who shares her thoughts about the daily activities and joys of their simple lifestyle.  Lily and Joseph, her younger brother, share in the work of the household and farm as well as the enjoyable times of play that their parents plan for them.  Mama works especially hard to turn mudane tasks into family memories. 
Each chapter can stand alone, making it a perfect read-aloud book for lower elementary teachers or a bedtime novel.  I would recommend it for first through fourth graders because of the age of Lily at the beginning of the series.  Some older girls may enjoy reading it on their own. 
Some of the experiences related through Lily's eyes include getting accustomed to a new sibling in the house, mama's surprise birthday gift from Lily's grandpa of a milk cow, a barn raising and being the youngest in a one-room school.  Lily's curiosity sometimes gets her into trouble with her parents, but will endear her to the reader. 
For older readers it will bring to mind the lost generation of grandparents who lived in much the same way as the Amish still do.  Word pictures of canned goods in the basement, milk cows as family pets and wringer washers used only on Mondays will make us all take a look at a simpler time in history.   
Readers will look forward to the next book in the series after finishing this one! (reviewed by C.Karns)
Disclosure: A complimentary copy of Life with Lily, Book One was provided to ACS by Litfuse Publicity group on behalf of the publisher, Revell, and the authors for the purpose of review.  Opinions expressed are solely those of the reviewer and there was no obligation to render a positive review.

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